Polypropylene Stress Urinary Incontinence in Dubai ?

A tension-free sling is a mesh usually made of a synthetic material called polypropylene. To support the urethra , Stress Urinary incontinence in Dubai , the sling acts like a hammock and is held in place by body tissue rather than stitches. During the healing process, scar tissue forms in and around the mesh to prevent it from moving. Your surgeon will likely recommend one of the following approaches for a tension-free procedure: Pubic Bone Surgery . The surgeon makes a small incision (incision) in the vagina to access the urethra.There are also two small incisions above the pubic bone, to the right and left of center. The surgeon uses a needle to thread each end of the sling from the vagina to the abdomen. The fascia is held in place along its course by soft tissue. Absorbable sutures close the vaginal incision, and skin incisions can be closed with glue or stitches. proceeding through the veil.The surgeon makes a small incision in the vagina and small incisions in ...