Polypropylene Stress Urinary Incontinence in Dubai ?

 A tension-free sling is a mesh usually made of a synthetic material called polypropylene. To support the urethra, Stress Urinary incontinence in Dubai, the sling acts like a hammock and is held in place by body tissue rather than stitches. During the healing process, scar tissue forms in and around the mesh to prevent it from moving.

Your surgeon will likely recommend one of the following approaches for a tension-free procedure:

Pubic Bone Surgery

The surgeon makes a small incision (incision) in the vagina to access the urethra.There are also two small incisions above the pubic bone, to the right and left of center. The surgeon uses a needle to thread each end of the sling from the vagina to the abdomen. 

The fascia is held in place along its course by soft tissue. Absorbable sutures close the vaginal incision, and skin incisions can be closed with glue or stitches.

proceeding through the veil.The surgeon makes a small incision in the vagina and small incisions in the right and left groin. The surgical process is similar to the retropubic approach, but the mesh is passed through the groin muscles rather than the abdominal wall.

Both sling procedures are safe and effective. But a transobturator sling may not work as well if you also need other procedures to resolve pelvic floor problems.

Another tension free scarf is the single cut mini treatment.The surgeon makes a single small incision in the vagina. A small mesh hammock is hung from the tissues of the pelvic region. The surgeon tries to avoid the groin muscles. The results of the single mini-incision procedure are usually less effective.

Conventional Sling

The Conventional Sling uses your own body tissue to support the bladder neck.The surgeon removes tissue to create a sling from the abdomen or thigh.

 The surgeon then makes an incision in the vagina to place the sling under the urethra at the bladder neck. From the abdominal incision, the surgeon sews both ends of the sling to the abdominal wall.

A conventional sling generally requires a larger incision than a loose sling. You may have to spend the night in the hospital and usually require a longer recovery period.You may also need a temporary catheter after surgery while you heal.

This procedure carries an increased risk of difficulty emptying the bladder. Therefore, it is usually reserved for women who have undergone other incontinence treatments but still suffer from urinary incontinence.

suspension procedures support the urethra or bladder neck by elevating the tissues around the urethra toward the pelvic structures.

The most popular method is the Burch method.The surgeon attaches one end of the threads to the outside wall of the vagina and the other end to the ligaments near the top of the pelvic bones.
 The sutures (stitches) essentially hold the vagina to the pelvic ligament. When the seams are tightened, the sheath rises to support the blade


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