V-Shot in PRP Treatment for Vagina in Dubai

PRP contains a high concentration of proteins and growth factors that repair damaged cells and increase blood flow to the vagina. 

V-Shot also improves libido, increases natural hydration, sensitizes the clitoris, allowing a woman to have more intense and frequent orgasms. In other words, it can make sex a pleasurable experience again for postmenopausal women.

In addition to sexual health, V-Shot can help women regain control of their urine. It can be used to treat stress urinary incontinence, or urinary incontinence caused by an overactive bladder that occurs as a result of falling estrogen levels in postmenopausal women.

Vaginal rejuvenation can also benefit women who experience reduced sexual pleasure due to changes brought on by childbirth.

Where is the V-shot injected?

PRP Treatment for Vagina in Dubai is injected into the labia, clitoris and G-spot. There is very little risk of allergic reaction or infectious disease since PRP is derived from your own blood.

What does a V-shot look like? Is the V shot painful?

Before the PRP injection, the area is numbed with a local anesthetic (numbing cream).This helps reduce discomfort, making the V-Shot treatment tolerable for our patients. Most patients report only minor discomfort and feel warm with a slight tingling or tingling feeling after the injection.

How long does the V-Shot last?

Everyone reacts differently to the V-Shot procedure. Some women report an almost immediate improvement in symptoms.
However, it takes about 2 weeks for PRP's healing growth factors to take effect in most women. The maximum benefits of V-Shot are usually seen after 3-4 months when the PRP has time to heal the vaginal tissues.

What are the side effects of V-Shot?

After vaginal rejuvenation, you may experience slight swelling, discomfort, or temporary spotting.These symptoms usually go away within 1-3 days. Note that V-Shot is not administered if you have an active infection or inflammation.

What does recovery look like? Can I train after the V-Shot?

V-Shot is a minimally invasive procedure with no downtime.You can immediately resume all your normal activities.

If you would like to discuss the possibilities of minimally invasive vaginal rejuvenation in more detail, make an appointment with Royal Clinic. We offer a free assessment to see if you can benefit from PRP V-Shot. Call us today and we will be happy to answer your questions on the subject


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