Surgical Method Vaginal Rejuvenation Clitoral Hood Reduction in Dubai ?

 What is a clitoral hood reduction? 

The Clitoral Hood Reduction removes excess tissue from the skin folds that cover and protect the clitoris. These skin folds are the clitoral hood.

A clitoral reduction is a form of plastic or cosmetic surgery. Plastic surgery refers to surgeries that reconstruct a part of your body. Plastic surgery is a type of plastic surgery that changes and improves your appearance.

What are other names for clitoral hood reduction?

Other terms for clitoral hood reduction are:

Removal of the clitoral hood.
capturoplasty of the clitoris.
Discovery of the clitoris.

What is a clitoris and clitoral hood?

Your clitoris and clitoral hood are part of what is known as the female reproductive system Vaginal Radiofrequency in Dubai at birth (DFAB). The labia minora (inner lips surrounding the vaginal opening) come together to form a small bump that is your clitoris.

The outer part of the clitoris that you can touch is the glans. Your clitoris contains thousands of sensory nerve endings, making it extremely sensitive.It plays a key role in achieving orgasm.

The clitoral hood is a fold of skin (foreskin) that protects the clitoris. When you are sexually aroused, your clitoris becomes swollen (congestion). The swelling pulls on the clitoral hood.

Without the clitoral hood, the clitoris would be too sensitive to the touch and just as irritating as the friction from clothing rubbing against it.Her clitoral cup produces a lubricant called sebum that helps her glide smoothly over your clitoris. This feature is similar to the foreskin that covers the tip of the penis.

What results from clitoral hood reduction?

Some people have a large clitoral hood with extra tissue. By reducing the size of the clitoral hood, this excess skin is removed. Medical professionals call this type of plastic surgery feminizing genitoplasty.

If you wish, you can consider clitoral surgery:

Improve the appearance of your genitals.
Make the clitoris more accessible to increase sexual pleasure.
Reduces irritation caused by clothing rubbing against the clitoral hood or labia majora.

Who performs clitoral hood reduction?

specialists can perform clitoral reduction:

plastic surgeon, specialist in reconstructive procedures.
Plastic surgeon, plastic surgeon who performs procedures to improve a person's appearance (aesthetics).
Gynecologist, doctor who performs surgeries on the reproductive system of people with DFAB.
What is recovery like after clitoral hood reduction?

These steps may help you recover:

Place a cold compress on your underwear for 20 minutes. Remove the cold pack for 20 minutes and repeat the process.

Lie down, raise your buttocks with pillows.
Showers should be short (no baths) and gently dry the area.
cleaning (not cleaning) after going to the toilet.
Wear loose clothing to avoid irritating the area.
Not having sex or using tampons for 4-6 weeks.


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