Treatment Of Peyronie's Disease Painful Penile Rash Treatment in Dubai ?

Treatment Treatment recommendations for Peyronie's disease depend on the time since symptoms first appeared. Acute phase. You have pain in your penis or changes in the curvature or length or deformity of your penis. The acute phase occurs early in the disease and can last as little as two to four weeks, but sometimes lasts as long as a year or longer. The chronic phase occurs later in the disease and usually occurs three to 12 months after the onset of symptoms. In the acute phase of the disease, treatment varies from: Recommended Applied early in the disease process, penile traction therapy prevents loss of length and minimizes lengthening of an existing curve. optional. Medical and injection therapies are optional at this stage, some more effective than others. Not recommended. Surgery is not recommended until the disease has stabilized to avoid the need for a second surgery. Several potential treatments are available in the chronic phase of the disease Painful Penile Rash Tre...